2024 - Hemorrhagic Stroke

39 episodes
Aneurysm Rupture : Data, prevention and early detection
May 3D printing be a game changer for AVM treatment?
Tips and tricks for venous stenting - Ep.2/2
Tips and tricks for venous stenting - Ep.1/2
How to announce a complication to the family?
Flow diversion in complex intracavernous aneurysms - Ep.2/2
Flow diversion in complex intracavernous aneurysms - Ep.1/2
Radial access: updates in 2024 - Ep.2/2
Radial access: updates in 2024 - Ep.1/2
New approaches for Facial AVM in 2024
Is robotic dead for NV? - Ep.1/2
Ruptured aneurysm: Antiplatelet therapy in ruptured aneurysms - Ep.2/2
Anterior Cerebral Artery: ACA trifurcation - Ep.1/2
Anterior Cerebral Artery: ACA trifurcation - Ep.2/2
Anterior Cerebral Artery: Fusiform ACA aneurysm - Ep.1/2
Aneurysm management: The impossible :Giant latero basilar aneurysm
Aneurysm management: A1 aneurysm management
Anterior Cerebral Artery: Fusiform ACA aneurysm - Ep.2/2
Aneurysm management: Complex ACA aneurysm management
Ruptured aneurysm: Antiplatelet therapy in ruptured aneurysms - Ep.1/2
Ruptured aneurysm: Complex ruptured MCA aneurysm - Ep.2/2
Ruptured aneurysm: Complex ruptured MCA aneurysm - Ep.1/2
Controversy surrounding flow diverters in the sylvian artery - Ep.1/4
Innovation in endovascular treatment of top basilar aneurysms - Ep.4/4
Controversy surrounding flow diverters in the sylvian artery - Ep.2/4
Controversy surrounding flow diverters in the sylvian artery - Ep.3/4
Controversy surrounding flow diverters in the sylvian artery - Ep.4/4
Complex foetal Pcom aneurysm - Ep.1/3
Complex foetal Pcom aneurysm - Ep.2/3
Complex foetal Pcom aneurysm - Ep.3/3
Innovation in endovascular treatment of top basilar aneurysms - Ep.1/4
Innovation in endovascular treatment of top basilar aneurysms - Ep.2/4
Innovation in endovascular treatment of top basilar aneurysms - Ep.3/4
Is robotic dead for NV? - Ep.2/2
Tetra coil Experience and Lessons by Dr. Jared Knopman
Are we ready for ambulatory treatment of brain aneurysm?
Subdural Hematoma Last RCT insights and Projections
Malignant IIH management: a new stroke code
Contour Neurovascular System: Our five year experience, tips and tricks by Dr. Tufail Patankar