World Thrombectomy Mapping Service

Project presentation

We conduct a cartography project, the result of which would be a dynamic world map representing access to mechanical thrombectomies for ischemic strokes. We are Pr Julien FRANDON, Dr Thierry BOUDEMAGHE and Lucas LEGER, and have already carried out a preliminary study in France on this subject (currently under review in the European Journal of Epidemiology), for which here are the main tables as an example.

A letter for you

This preliminary study in France demonstrated the feasibility of using the “Programme de Médicalisation des Systèmes d'Information (PMSI)” (program for medicalizing information systems) to evaluate access to mechanical thrombectomy. We analyzed PMSI data to estimate the number of thrombectomies performed per ischemic stroke, enabling us to evaluate access to this vital procedure in all the different departments of France. The results of this study were promising and underlined the importance of moving away from data that focused solely on the number of procedures, to favor standardized data on the overall stroke population. The geographical representation of this data on maps enables a more detailed analysis.

The project we wish to develop aims to extend this approach on an international scale, through a web page hosting a dynamic world map. The map will show the data collected on thrombectomy care, and will be updated every year. 

The specific objectives of this study are:

  • Evaluate access to mechanical thrombectomy in different countries, and identify variations in the rate of ischemic stroke procedures in different geographical areas within the same country.
  • Examine factors related to disparities in access to thrombectomy; such as the availability of specialized centers, medical resources, health policies, geographical limitations, and socio-economic factors.

To carry out this comparative study, we would need standardized data from different participating countries. The data we are looking for includes:

  • The number of mechanical thrombectomies performed per ischemic stroke, broken down by country and by specific time period.
  • Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients; including age, gender, and comorbidities.

We are committed to respecting ethical protocols and data confidentiality in this study. All data will be treated anonymously and confidentially, in accordance with the regulations of each participating country.

We plan to work closely with medical teams and researchers of the participating countries, and would like to be put in touch with a referring doctor from your learned society if you wish to take part in the project.

The aim of the project is, by providing free access to maps showing thrombectomy care distribution, to encourage the development of health and care organization policies in all countries; in order to homogenize access to thrombectomy worldwide.

We would be honored to collaborate with your organization on this non-profit, royalty-free project, available to all professionals worldwide. 

We thank you for your time, and we look forward to the opportunity to discuss this exciting initiative and its collaborative possibilities further.

Project Team


RUF de l'Institut d'Imagerie Interventionnelle (Icube)

Service de radiologie, CHU Nîmes
Faculté de médecine Montpellier-Nîmes


Head of the Medical Information, Methods and Research Department - CHU de Nîmes


Statistician engineer CHU de Nimes

Dr Razvan RADU

Interventional Neurologist - Hospital Bucharest - Romania